These Artists and Pastors have supported the mission of Vet Church. Provided is a link back to their work because we believe in the change that God is working through them.
My name is Emily Grace Clark and I am a Pastor, chaplain and musician in the Austin, Texas area. The work of Vet Church is close to my heart and I support it whenever I am able. Matt and Kate Williams have been a brother and sister to me in my ministry and I in theirs.
I worked as a pastor to people experiencing homelessness and victims of human trafficking for over 7 years in the Austin area and remain involved. My work led me to become licensed to Minister in 2017 and complete an MDiv at Austin Seminary in 2022.
I was raised on the blues and folk music from the North of England, where my father is from. I began playing guitar and singing at the age of 10. I found making music was a conduit to healing, transcending and expressing sorrows and joys I was unable to express other ways.
I met people through music- coming to shows and finding healing. Just as David played the harp and ministered to Saul, I saw that the music I was writing and playing was restoring peoples souls; first my own- and sometimes others.
Although my work has led me off the stage, out of the spotlight and into the underground- I still play the occasional show, including playing with Vet Church in 2019 for a pilgrimage of healing for veterans at the National Cathedral.
I am convinced that no matter how murderous we’ve become, how desperate, addicted, angry- we can recover and find liberation. We are not alone and our healing heals others. We are surrounded by a host witnesses- and we are following a God whose love brings death, curses, and illusion to nothing. In this world and the world to come- Love is real. Grace is real. And God is close to the oppressed and broken hearted. So it is with the broken hearted and oppressed I have chosen to minister and be as well.