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Give it Away

U2 has a song about this. Today, I listened to a sermon about this. Christ lived a life about this.

Easter in Bilbao Spain was wild at times. The service we attended in the flesh was in a language other than one I totally understand. I did understand what was going on though.

We wandered the streets after church. Ate Rabas -best I have ever had.  Saw some crazy parade type things with pointed hats and drums. (See the video on FB)

Came back to the hostel and attempted to tune an old guitar. The strings were too old to work. Even at 1/2 step down they would not stay in tune. So I strummed out a version of Country Feedback in some off tuned sound.

Sacrifice, the cross, the grave, grace, mercy… giving it away. Justice would be more like me but I feel a draw to be more like Christ, to show some grace and kindness. I want to share a bit of hope. I want to give value.

The value of my life, my Pilgrimage in this world, is not based on what I do. Christ loved me when I was a sinner and He is the great appraiser of value. Not saying I have it all together now but now his blood and resurrection have been applied to my account. Paid all my debts. Purchased me, redeemed me. That’s what every journey in this flesh is about.

Packing for a Camino you begin to think about all the stuff you really need. You may not do a good job at first. Every day, every step will help you reconsider and evaluate. You might even cut the handle on your toothbrush in half -it weighs something.

The backpack is a great tool. It teaches you that you don’t need all that stuff. Do I have something you need. Let me know.

I’ve been carrying some burdens that I don’t need to carry no more. I’m laying them down. I’m moving forward.

I’m turning from some sinful habits. I’m being drawn more to the spiritual than the physical. I’m seeing cleared than ever before even with my eyes closed.

The Way of St James. The Camino de Santiago. The Pilgrimage. -Ever read the book of James?

Christ has risen. Easter is that celebration. Without the resurrection there is no hope.

Without giving it away there is no journey. You cannot hoard and go. You can hoard and stay, but eventually you will go. No one lives in this flesh forever.

Be proactive, give it away. Lighten the load. Help another person out. Lift someone up- in prayer, in hope, in love.

Buen Camino

3 comentarios

Coffee Grounds
Coffee Grounds
10 abr 2023

Paid in full.🤲🏼😊

Me gusta

Alan Brott
09 abr 2023

Happy Easter and God bless.

Me gusta

09 abr 2023

Love is not love unless you give it away.

Me gusta
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