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Truck, car, metro, plane and train.

Yesterday was wild. Plane was late so they moved our flight to another airport. Thus, we had to pay for metro and train expenses. To get to BWI.

Reminded me of the episode of Seinfeld where Jerry goes to the car rental place and they don’t have the car he reserved.  The ladies working there were nice. Just not sure I like that airlines way of doing business. Of course I had an excellent conversation with the guy beside me on the flight we were switched to. So, that could not have been better.

Jobs, love, kindness growth, God all of that was discussed during the course of the flight. It was a good conversation. Also because of the reroute I ran into a Chaplain that I had worked with in Iraq. We needed to take the metro, it’s been awhile since I was on the DC metro. I took the wrong elevator and there he was. I yelled out, “Hey Chaplain!” He turned around and looked at me. Didn’t recognize me. (I guess the beard and all- do I look that different?) We talked. His wife took a picture of us. That was awesome

At the USO in BWI we had the pleasure of talking to a retired Airforce COL. He had started out Army. Told us some awesome stories. His wife and the other lady working there are awesome folks and doing a great job. Ever consider volunteering at a USO?

When we arrived at BWI, we found out that the next flight to Germany is tomorrow, so called another Army buddy. He is also a Chaplain. He drove way out of his way to pick us up, house us, feed us -all that. On the way to his house I told him about running into Chaplain Reed. He said, “He is the man who I am taking over for at Walter-Reed.” Wow!

Passing out VET CHURCH stickers. (Do y’all have Vet Church Stickers? Do you want Stickers? If so let me know.) Talking to folks. Moving.

I often think, why did they complete Suicide? Why didn’t they just get up and GO? Why?

These thoughts jingle, jangle in my head. Maybe they didn’t know how easy it is to move. To go. To volunteer at the USO.

Maybe they didn’t know how rewarding it is to be part of a team. To be part of an epic journey. To be on a pilgrimage.

I didn’t say it was easy. I had to plan. I had to sell some stuff. I had to experience discomfort- and I’m sure there is more of that ahead.

My chiropractor and I were laughing and joking about the craziness of what I’m doing. I think he was helping me adjust the unloaded brace for this torn meniscus in my right knee. At one point he said, “Suck it up buttercup!” We both laughed. And I thought about that later.

Life is full of hardships. Either you chose to drive on or you quit. Suicide is quitting. I’ve seen the aftermath, and it ain’t pretty. So, here is my challenge to you.

Live! Don’t just survive, THRIVE! Get up and get going. Volunteer. Share the wisdom that you have. Inspire someone. Encourage someone. Help someone. You can. You will. I believe in you. Christ believes in you. He came here to get to know you. You are awesome.

1 Comment

Alan Brott
Mar 26, 2023

And try something new. A new food, a new career, a new anything. You may discover joy in something you never thought possible. I’m glad I never quit when I wanted to and I’m glad that time I pulled the trigger God graciously said not yet my son.

Love you Chap. Crazy to see how small the military ministry world is.

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