2 Days before Wheels Up
I ask Kate, “You gonna cry tomorrow?” She replied, “I don’t know.” I said, “I don’t know if I will either.” She said, “You didn’t when...
Phone Calls and Focus
Several things that came up in phone calls today grabbed my attention. I won’t relay who or the whole conversation, just how it moved me....
Why Not You
Wednesday I had a phone call informing me that I had been nominated to receive a quilt from Quilts of Valor. The lady asked if I could...
I had a good friend recently say, “good now that you have a plan you can stop catastrophizing.” I had to look up the word...
New Compassion and Great Faithfulness
Last night Savanna and Anthony Crawford of SugarCane Jane invited me up on the stage to sing one of the songs I wrote, “Right Now...
Ready, set…
Camino de Santiago preparation Thoughts: I’m ready to go now. I’m not in good enough shape. I need to get in better shape. I’m waiting...
Where, What, When
Three questions that I often ask myself are: 1) “Where am I going with this?” 2) “What am I attempting to do with this?” 3) “When am I...
It has always been the understood “you” of the Greatest Commandment that grabbed my attention. It still does. Mainly because I believe...
A journey within the journey of life. Moments to reflect. Waves of thought through which to wade, swim or drowned. Spiritual in nature as...
-necessary- War related PTSD, Moral Injury, and Anger
It’s a strange term, necessary. I think about how people like to say, “necessary evil,” but evil is never necessary. It is beyond the...