You Have the Power
I have the power to see potential in the absolute bleakest of situations. Maybe it is because I have experienced the fruition of hope....

magical mystery
Sitting in my assigned seat on a plane at Glasgow Airport. I’m a bit overwhelmed, time has ticked by quickly. 17 days ago we walked into...

Caminó Miracle
Today I broke down and bought two things. #1 a pair of Birkenstock shoes, the kind that Cook’s wear. My feet are smoking thankful. Now I...

Arrival in Santiago and beyond
I am currently sitting in the airport. About to board a flight to Switzerland where I will switch planes and fly to Amsterdam. Tonight I...

One of the things that doing the Camino de Santiago reminded me about was education. My education, the past education I have received and...

Kings of Leon did a great song called closer. I’m closer to Santiago. I’m closer to God. I’m closer to my wife. I’m closer. I’m also...

The Final Countdown
When I was in high school a rock n roll band named Europe had a song called The Final Countdown. We are in the final countdown window for...

3 Days 45ish Miles
From Navia to Lourenza has been quite the hike. There are many Pilgrims logging more miles than we are. I’m not in competition with...

Animals Pray
Do animals pray? I absolutely believe they do. First why is this important, then Biblical evidence, then a couple other ideas. This is a...
Up and Down
Mountains and hills and beautiful beaches, who else walked here? We think about that often. Today we walked into a beautiful church. It...